C O V I D - 1 9 & S O C I A L M E D I A


Best practices for customer relationship management and public messaging on social media during the imposed COVID-19 restrictions for restaurants and hospitality brands.



Platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter are powered by computer algorithms which favor activity. Updating often will prevent your content from becoming buried in the content feeds of your followers.


Short & sweet messaging is best when conveying important information to your followers. We recommend using infographics or other thoughtful, captivating media to minimize the time it takes for your followers to absorb the information you wish to convey.


Your customers will have more FAQs and restaurant inquiries than usual, and it’s Important to be prepared to respond quickly. An organized CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system on your social media channels will be essential to retaining new and returning customers during this crisis.


Social media will start to become responsible for most of your sales and revenue if you plan to remain operational with take-out, delivery and curbside options. This altered business model requires more engaging and creative ways for yours customers to continue supporting their favorite local establishments. Well-designed promotions, giveaways, and influencer collaborations are a great way to enhance that digital hospitality experience.


Your physical, mental and emotional health are paramount during this crisis. Check in on the well-being of your staff and yourselves often, and stay as informed as possible in the coming weeks. We at DiscoverEat are here to support and assist our fellow small businesses in any way possible.

For information on how to take preventative measures against the growing COVID-19 concerns, follow these recommendations from the CDC.



We’re offering free, remote phone consultations to answer any questions you may have regarding social media preparedness in the time of COVID-19.

Click here to speak with a DiscoverEat representative today.